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Tours and tickets for trips to the Venice lagoon Azzurra-Immobiliare

What to do in Jesolo? Don't wait any longer and book your excursion now!

Find out more about the available excursions and how we can make your stay unforgettable.
Our proposals are designed to offer you a unique experience, combining relaxation and adventure.
Click now and book your excursions! With Azzurra Real Estate Agency, every day of your vacation can turn into an exciting adventure!

Bike rental Jesolo

One of the must-do activities is to explore Jesolo and the Venetian Lagoon by bicycle or e-bike through our exciting tours along the 14 beautiful routes set up by the Jesolo Ambient Bike project for guided explorations in the wonderful Venetian Lagoon. These routes will offer you the chance to admire and appreciate the natural wonders and breathtaking landscapes of Jesolo, while benefiting from an ecological and easy-to-use mode of transport. If you are a cycling enthusiast, do not miss the opportunity to discover this beautiful area on two wheels. Azzurra Real Estate Agency offers bike rentals and guided tours with selected operators who will take you through enchanting scenery, suitable for cyclists of all levels of experience. Enjoy relaxing walks along the cycle paths of Jesolo and be amazed by the beauty of the natural environment and the wonderful panoramic views, always in complete safety and comfort. With us, every pedal stroke turns into a new adventure!

Use the code ImmAzzurra and book your excursion


Boat and Canoe Rentals in Jesolo - Cavallino Treporti

Immerse yourself in the calm waters of the Venetian Lagoon with the rental of kayaks, boats or canoes. A unique experience to discover the beating heart of this exceptional area, sailing between little-known islands and closely observing the biodiversity that characterizes this habitat.
Be enchanted by the colors of the sunset that reflect on the water while listening to the stories of the ancient fishing communities who still live in harmony with this fragile and vital ecosystem.
During the tour, you will have the opportunity to spot various species of birds that find refuge in the reeds and perhaps glimpse fish swimming beneath the clear surface.
In addition to natural beauty, these tours also offer moments of relaxation and introspection, away from the daily hustle and bustle, allowing you to connect with nature in ways that only the Venetian Lagoon can offer.
Book your place on one of our boats and get ready to experience an unforgettable aquatic adventure, rich in landscapes breathtaking and close encounters with local fauna.

Use the code ImmAzzurra and book your excursion


Apartments and tours in Jesolo

With Azzurra Real Estate Agency, prepare to experience not only the comfort of your apartment but also an unforgettable adventure through the most fascinating excursions in the area. Azzurra Real Estate Agency is not only a synonym for quality and reliability in the rental sector, but also your expert guide to discovering the hidden treasures of the territory.